How do virtual Sessions work?

Virtual sessions are a great way to speak comfortably in your home. They can make it convenient to fit into a busy lifestyle. I usually ask you to share some data with me like height, weight, and any labs you may have done recently with your GP/specialist. This is necessary to calculate your nutrient requirements. Sessions last 40-60 minutes.

What do we discuss in the sessions? Do I need to track my food intake?

Our first discussion will mostly consist of information gathering so I can get to know you. This will include medical information such as past medical history, medications/supplements, and contact info for your GP. But we will also review your social situation, access to food and cooking areas, cooking confidence, food preferences or allergies, physical activity level, sleep and bowel health. In most cases, I do ask you to keep a 2 week food diary. This allows me to see your habits and we can begin to establish opportunities for change in line with your needs.

What Can I expect from Working with a Dietitian?

Most people are nervous to tell a Dietitian what they eat for fear they will be judged for their food preferences, their lifestyle, or portion sizes. They can also have a lot of questions about nutrition because they have heard a lot of conflicting information from the internet, magazines, personal trainers, health care providers, or well meaning friends and family. Your Dietitian should have a non-judgemental and patient centred approach. The goal is work WITH you to establish your optimum nutrition. And in the process we’ll clear up some previous misconceptions you may be living with about food.

I worked with a Dietitian once and didn’t like it. How will this be different?

I can’t speak for all Dietitians, but just as with any healthcare field you can have very knowledgeable people who may not have the best ‘bedside’ manners. When you’re working with someone on lifestyle changes, its important to feel comfortable with them. Food can often reveal a vulnerable part of ourselves. Finding a Dietitian that you feel understands your values and perspectives is key to helping you adjust your outlook on how food plays a role in your health and quality of life.

I want someone to tell me what to eat. Will you give me a meal plan?

Unfortunately, the short answer is no. I will, however, guide you in what/how much to eat. There are lots of meal plans, diet, and gimmicks out there that will mostly likely work for you as long as you are on them. The problem comes in creating sustainable change. I’m interested in empowering you with the skills, knowledge, and tools to help you make the necessary changes to improve your individual nutrition journey. So we may discuss menu and meal planning, and I may help you create a menu if stability and balance are aspects you want to work on. However, the hard work comes in the integration of this into your daily life. And when you hit barriers (as we all do), instead of giving up and going back to more comfortable ways, talking this through with your Dietitian to aide in relapse prevention.

Can i expect to lose weight?

People who come to see me have a variety of health concerns. Many are interested in weight loss, or a secondary goal of working with a Dietitian may be weight loss. Truthfully, I don’t know. The world would like you to believe that calories in versus calories out is how a person balances their weight. However, the body is a complex system and factors such as genetics, hormones, activity levels, stress and sleep levels, etc all affect your body weight. While there are evidence based strategies for losing weight, and we can go through those, its important to focus on other health markers to gauge success. Markers such as your blood levels, nutrient adequacy, energy levels, concentration and mood, and quality of life. How your body responds to treatment is individual and therefore what I can promise is a journey to healthier you.

Do you work with other specialists?

I will work with you on an individual basis, however if we feel you may benefit from additional services then I might recommend talking with your GP about referrals to specialists, additional investigations or labs, or referrals for counseling services. I do keep in contact with your GP and may send progress updates so they are aware that you are working with me on diet and lifestyle changes.

Can I bring my partner to a session?

Yes. Depending on your social situation, you may not be the menu planner, shopper, or cook in the house. Its important if we are discussing changes to your diet and lifestyle that important members of your home life are on board. If this includes attending a session so they can ask questions and learn about the changes you are making, then I am happy to include them.

How you’ll feel

more Empowered around food

Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving full body wellness. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers.

  • Integrative

    Since achieving wellness is more than just diet, I’ll be guiding you toward a holistic approach to eating.


The advice and information offered through Mallory at NutriExplained is solely for educational purposes and does not substitute for another qualified healthcare professional. Always talk with your GP about health concerns. Mallory Noone and NutriExplained is not responsible or liable for diagnosis, decision, or self-assessment made by the user based on the content or education advice offered through the NutriExplained website, blogs, media accounts or coaching.